Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War

Using Russia's cover, Iran begins sending fighters to Syria

Iran has sent hundreds of troops into northern and central Syria in the first such open deployment in the country's civil war, joining fighters from its Lebanese ally Hezbollah in an offensive against rebels and taking advantage of cover from Russia's air campaign, a regional official and Syrian activists said Oct. 14.

Turkey, you don't have any other option

Apparently, we are experiencing one of the toughest periods in our history. 

Russia is passing through the straits, rushing to the assistance of its ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Its planes are violating Turkish airspace, but Moscow plays the unacquainted. 

We attempt to reproach Moscow by saying, ?Russia would be losing a lot if it loses a friend like Turkey.? 

Russian roulette in the Middle East

?Have a friend like a Russian, have an enemy like a Russian.? These are the words of a high-level Turkish intelligence analyst who has personally had to deal with the Russians on issues like Chechnya, the outlawed Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK), etc. ?They stick to their word. They don?t talk much, but they definitely do what they say,? he added.

Russian jet fighters bomb targets in Palmyra

Russian jets have bombed sites in the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria, but also in Aleppo, as Syrian state TV reported.

The strikes hit 20 vehicles and three weapons depots in Palmyra which is under the control of ISIS fighters.

Also, in Aleppo, Russian jets reportedly targeted towns 10 miles east of a military airport which is currently besieged by Isis fighters.
