
Sharing the Spoils: When Milosevic and Tudjman Met to Carve Up Bosnia

The Hague Tribunal's archives reveal fascinating details about the confidential meeting between Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic and his Croatian counterpart Franjo Tudjman at Karadjordjevo in 1991, when they discussed forming their own expanded states at Bosnia's expense.

Zagreb Initiative to Memorialise Murdered Croatian Serbs Praised

Branka Vierda of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights praised this week's decision by a Zagreb City Assembly commission to add the names of the Zec family, who were murdered in 1991, to a register of names of people who could be memorialised by having a street or public area in the Croatian capital named after them.

Croatia: Zagreb to build 3.5 meter tall Franjo Tudjman statue

Franjo Tudjman

The mayor of Croatia's capital Zagreb, Milan Bandic, has signed a contract to design a 3.5 meter tall statute of former Croatian President Franjo Tudjman.

"The statue will be installed in the meadow on the corner of Grada Vukovara and Hrvatske Bratske Zajednice streets," Bandic announced, reported.

Croatian capital to build 3.5-meter tall Tudjman statue

The mayor of Croatia's capital Zagreb, Milan Bandic, has signed a contract to design a 3.5-meter tall statue of former Croatian President Franjo Tudjman.

"The statue will be installed in the meadow on the corner of Grada Vukovara and Hrvatske Bratske Zajednice streets," Bandic announced, reported.
