French Civil Service

Dragnea: We are expecting to launch first operational programme administrative capacity project in April

Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration on Thursday said the first projects under the 2014-2020 operational programme administrative capacity will likely be launched this April.

Photo credit: (c) Liviu SOVA / AGERPRES PHOTO

Public sector reform foresees layoffs being revoked, new evaluation system

Alternate Minister for Administrative Reform Giorgos Katrougalos and his aides are drafting two bills aimed at overhauling the civil service, but in a different way to the previous government?s troika-mandated streamlining, with thousands of rehirings in the cards.

Prosecutors may be enlisted in civil service evaluation

Tensions between the government and SYRIZA on the thorny issue of an evaluation scheme for the civil service demanded by the troika intensified Monday with Administrative Reform Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis suggesting that prosecutors might be enlisted to ensure that civil servants comply with the evaluation process in the public sector and rebuking Attica’s new SYRIZA-affiliated governor, Rena

Minister vows to proceed with civil servant evaluation after court ruling

An Athens court of first instance on Thursday deemed illegal and abusive a decision by the ADEDY civil servants’ union to prevent its members from taking part in an evaluation process, prompting the government to underline its determination to complete the assessment.
