Güven Sak

Turkey can help integrate Muslim Asia into China's Silk Road project

If the 20th century was about the integration of China into the global economy; the integration of Asia and Central Asia particularly, including Afghanistan and Pakistan, into the global economy is the major project for the 21st century, according to Güven Sak, the head of the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV).

Turkey's top business organization visits Iran to boost economic, trade ties

Turkey's largest business organization has visited Iran in a bid to boost economic and trade ties with the neighboring country in the post-sanctions era. 

A delegation from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey's (TOBB), chaired by Rifat Hisarc?kl?o?lu, described Iran as Turkey's "natural trade partner."

Turkish businesses want to rebuild Gaza for $5 billion

A team from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) has spoken about a $5-billion Turkish plan prepared by the Center for Multilateral Trade Studies at the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) to rebuild Gaza City, after a series of meetings with officials from both Israel and Palestine. 

Turkey's challenge with high technology growth

Turkey reaped the benefits of the reforms it undertook in 2000 for ten years and with the help of the global climate, reached high growth rates. Yet, for the past three or four years, there has been a stagnant economy; it has fallen in the middle income trap and serious changes are required to reach high growth rates again.