Gene banks
Seed gene banks ensure plant diversity amid climate challenges
Some 120,000 seeds are stored in special rooms at temperatures ranging from -18 to 5 degrees Celsius, preserving the rich plant genetic diversity for the future at the Seed Gene Banks in the capital Ankara and the western province of İzmir.
Türkiye amasses 120,000 types of seeds in gene banks
Some 120,000 genetic specimens are kept under protection in the country's two seed gene banks, Agriculture and Forestry Minister İbrahim Yumaklı has said.
See where seeds are kept in case of a global disaster (vid)
What would humanity do for food in case of a global disaster, such as climate change or nuclear war?
Bulgarian Crops to Be Preserved in Norway's Noah's Ark
In October, Bulgaria will send the first samples of seed germ plasm of typical Bulgarian crop varieties to the Global Seed Vault in Norway, also known as the Noah's Ark.
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a secure seedbank on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen near Longyearbyen in the remote Arctic Svalbard archipelago, about 1,300 kilometres from the North Pole.