Georgios Katrougalos

SYRIZA turmoil as senior MP resigns

Main opposition SYRIZA was plunged into turmoil almost on the eve of elections after the announcement that one of its senior MPs, Giorgos Katrougalos, would not be running following the backlash sparked by his comments in a TV interview on Wednesday that the party planned, if it were elected, to link insurance contributions to income level for both wage earners and freelancers.

SYRIZA MP and former minister announces he will not stand for elections

Giorgos Katrougalos, an MP for SYRIZA and a former foreign minister of the party, on Thursday announced his intent to withdraw from the upcoming elections after stating that social contributions for the self-employed may go up in a future SYRIZA government, something the party denied.

Dendias to brief parties on UAE deals, speak with NATO chief

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias will brief representatives of the opposition parties on Thursday on the recent defense and foreign policy cooperation agreement and the Joint Declaration of Strategic Partnership signed by Greece and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) last week.

The meeting is part of the regular briefing of parliamentary parties on current foreign policy issues.

Risk of distortion

Allowing self-employed professionals to choose the amount of social security contributions they want to pay does indeed satisfy the long-time request for a rationalization of the burdens imposed by the social security legislation introduced in 2016 and known as the Katrougalos law, after the labor minister at the time, Giorgos Katrougalos. 

Pyatt briefs SYRIZA cadres on outcome of Mitsotakis visit to US

In a note on Twitter on Tuesday, US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt stressed the importance of boosting Greek-US ties and "continuing to build on our strong bilateral relationship, including on defense, security, energy and investment" following talks with prominent SYRIZA cadres Nikos Pappas and Giorgos Katrougalos.
