
GERB Leads in Bulgarian Pre-Election Polling for European Parliament

With the European elections looming three months away, Bulgaria's political landscape is taking shape, with the GERB party leading the pack, according to a recent study by "Alpha Research." The survey reveals that 22.6% of voters would support GERB, while the "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" (WCC-DB) party closely follows with 19.9% of voter support.

Borissov Wants Different Finance Minister: Petkov Urges Respectful Negotiations

Boyko Borissov, the leader of GERB, has confirmed that negotiations between his party and We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria (WCC-DB) will commence tomorrow at 18:00, with discussions continuing into Sunday. The focus of these talks will revolve around governance matters following the rotation of cabinets, including topics such as regulatory issues and judicial reform.

GERB and "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" Begin Negotiations for Coalition Governance Soon

"We Continue the Change" has extended an invitation to GERB for negotiations on governance following the recent rotation of power. The invitation, addressed to prominent figures including Boyko Borissov and Mariya Gabriel, signals a crucial step towards forming a coalition government.

Borissov: "No Hope" as Bulgaria Might Head to Elections

In Bucharest, amid the ongoing EPP congress, GERB leader Boyko Borissov conveyed a sense of resignation, asserting, "There is no hope," as he addressed journalists. Borissov attributed the impending elections to what he deemed as the actions of his non-coalition partners "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" (WCC-DB).

We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria: No Elections, But Governance Must Come with Reforms

The political landscape in Bulgaria sees tensions rise as "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" (WCC-DB) responds to accusations from GERB regarding the hastened resignation of the government. Kiril Petkov, co-chairman of WCC-DB, asserts their commitment to keeping promises, emphasizing that the government's resignation after nine months of governance was in line with their pledge.

Bulgarian Parliament Approved the Resignation of the "Denkov" Cabinet

The Bulgarian parliament has entered a crucial phase of political negotiations as it approved the resignation of the "Denkov" cabinet, signaling a transition into rotating the government. The move comes amidst ongoing discussions between the ruling formations GERB and "We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria" regarding the power dynamics for the next nine months.
