German Federal Bank

Euro leaders, Lagarde dampen Greek govt hopes for quick deal

Α mini scrum of top European leaders on Friday dampened the leftist Greek government’s hopes for a bailout deal in the next few days, despite smiles and “positive leaks” in the wake of a late-night meeting the previous evening between Angela Merkel, Francoise Hollande and Alexis Tsipras.

Greece must reform to avoid default, says Bundesbank

May 18 Greece's government should stick to earlier commitments and present reform proposals to help avoid the country becoming insolvent, Germany's central bank warned on Monday.

In its monthly report, written by economists and officials at the bank, the Bundesbank used unusually frank language to describe what it called the «worrying» situation in Greece.

Bundesbank: ECB cash is linked to Greek banks' health

The provision of European Central Bank emergency liquidity to Greece is ?directly correlated? to the health of its banks and will continue as long as the preconditions are met, a top policymaker from Germany?s Bundesbank said on Tuesday.

Bundesbank board member Andreas Dombret declined to say how the ECB should respond if Greece defaulted.

Former IMF 'point man' in Ireland says organization got it wrong in Greece

Noted US-based Indian economist Ashoka Mody, the IMF's former chief of mission to Ireland during the latter's bailout, took his former employer to task for its Greek programme, essentially saying that the organization merely participated in a scheme to guarantee German and French banks' exposure in Greece onto institutional lenders.

Chief of Bundesbank says “No” to ELA increase and claims that time is running out for Greece

In his interview to German magazine “Focus”, the chief of Bundesbank Jens Weidmann stresses that the Greek government has already lost to certain extend lenders trust while he further expressed his opinion that time is running out in order to find a solution on the Greek issue.
