
Armed forces chief promoted to lieutenant general

Robert Glavaš, chief of the general staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF), has been promoted from major general to lieutenant general by President Nataša Pirc Musar, the army's supreme commander.

The promotion comes at a time of a demanding international situation which calls for multiple and wise adjustments, Pirc Musar said at a ceremony at the Presidential Palace on 24 June.

New Retrial of Croatian War General Branimir Glavas Begins

The retrial of former general Branimir Glavas and other defendants for war crimes in the Croatian eastern city of Osijek in 1991 opened at Zagreb County Court on Monday.

At Monday's hearing, Glavas's defence requested that the trial be transferred from Zagreb to the Osijek County Court.

Croatian President Restores Honours to War Crime Defendant

Zoran Milanovic said on Monday that his decision to return state honours to Branimir Glavas was legally sound, even though he is on trial for alleged war crimes.

"Glavas asked for this, he sent a request, because he has been formally unconvinced for five years. If he had not asked me, I wouldn't have interfered," Milanovic told media.

Glavas Witnesses Only Learned about War Crimes ‘from Media’

Two former politicians, Luka Bebic and Andrija Hebrang, members of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ, told Zagreb County Court on Monday that they only learned from the media that the defendant, Branimir Glavas, had been involved in war crimes against Serbian civilians in the eastern city of Osijek in 1991.

Witness Confesses to Lying to Help Croatian Wartime General

Nikola Jaman, who was a commander of the First Battalion of Osijek Defenders during wartime, testified at Zagreb County Court on Tuesday that he lied in earlier testimony about Branimir Glavas, who is being retried alongside six co-defendants for the killings of Serb civilians in the eastern city of Osijek in 1991.
