
Dubai among Top 25 Global Cities for 3rd Consecutive Year

Dubai has retained its leading position in the MENA region on Kearney's Global Cities Index, ranking 23rd globally and claiming a spot in the top 25 for the third consecutive year.According to the report, prominent emerging hubs around the world, particularly in the Middle East, have seen incredible gains in their global city performance amid a changing profile of globalisation--and a new distr

Survey: Slovenia’s youth less worried about climate change than European peers

Ljubljana – Slovenia’s youth aged between 15 and 35 see climate change as the third worst global problem after environmental pollution and poverty. The European survey Climate of Change also shows that 36% of them are very or extremely worried about climate change, which is 10 percentage points below the average of 23 European countries.

Between two worlds: The role of the OECD

The 21st century's second decade was marked by numerous disputes concerning previous achievements. After the dramatic reduction of world poverty, the development of movement in several sectors and the rapid evolution of technology, the post-Cold War model began to decline. The recent globalization indicators are already showing a downward trend.
