Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina
An informal coffee break "saves" Bosnia-Herzegovina: "This is crazy"
According to the local media, they should discuss the possibility of unblocking the work of this body and scheduling a session after almost three and a half months.
Sarajevo's response - a former member of the Republika Srpska Army arrested
The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina charges Veljovic (1954) with committing the war crime of rape and sexual abuse as a member of the Army of Republika Srpska in 1992 in the area of Foca, the judicial institution announced.
Officially - Inzko's law on genocide is valid from tomorrow
According to the information available on the website of the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the law enters into force eight days after its publication on the OHR website or the day after its publication in the Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, whichever comes first.
Resolution on Bosnia-Herzegovina rejected - only China and Russia voted
Only the proponents of this resolution, China and Russia, voted for the draft, Banja Luka's "Nezavisne novine" reported.
No one was against, and 13 representatives of the member states of the Security Council abstained.
Bosnia Rejects Fugitive Serb War Crimes Convict’s Appeal
The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Monday rejected an appeal from Dragan Marjanovic, a wartime commander of a platoon of the Bosnian Serb Army Teslic Brigade's military police.
The court ruled that there was no violation of Marjanovic's right to a fair trial and that the verdict was not based on unlawful evidence.
Bosnia’s Exhausted OHR Can be Revived – Here’s How
So, what next for OHR and Bosnia? The aim here is not to discuss the relevance of the OHR's powers, or the future course of difficult reforms, or even the issues of geopolitics and foreign influence in Bosnia. It is to look at key "softer" questions that have been long overlooked but which could profoundly change the nature and vigour of this institution and its doing.
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Germany’s Push for New High Representative to Bosnia is Worrying
Bosnian Serb Leader Angers Ukraine, Donating Icon to Lavrov
Ukraine's embassy in Sarajevo has asked Bosnia's Foreign Ministry for detailded information about an icon that it says is part of Ukrainian heritage, which the Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik on Monday presented to Russia's Foreign Minister.
Dayton at 25: Time for Effective and Functional Government in Bosnia
Indictment Filed for Crimes in Luka Detention Camp, Brcko
The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina has accused Ivan Djuric, in his capacity as a member of the Military Police of the Bosnian Serb Army, VRS, of having participated in crimes against Bosniaks and Croats who were unlawfully detained in Luka detention camp in Brcko, northern Bosnia.