Great white shark

Another Great White Shark found dead with liver, stomach & testes surgically removed

Something odd is going on off the shores of South Africa. Several deceased great white sharks are turning up along a stretch of coastline with their livers quite precisely removed from their carcasses; two of them were also missing their hearts.

Great White sharks are being hunted by Killer Whales in South Africa (PHOTOS)

As an apex predator perfectly suited to hunting down and devouring seals – and even other sharks – we tend to think of great whites as being on the top of the food chain. But recent events coming from the beaches of South Africa show that there is one marine creature that even great whites might want to avoid.

Great white shark open jaws wide to eat (unbelievable photos)

A photographer in South Africa captured the terrifying moment a great white shark lunges out of the water to bite on to a piece of bait dangling off the side of a tourist boat. Its impressive and scary jaws can be seen opening wide revealing its razor-sharp teeth ripping through its food.

Fighting for food (pics)

Photographer Jason Whittle was witness of a rare incident, an ultimate battle for survival. Two white sharks were fighting over who will win the food.

The photographer captured a 5-meter white shark attacking another white shark that attempted to steal its meal. The incident was recorded in Neptune Islands off the coast of Adelaide, Australia.
