Greek alphabet

WHO Gives New Names to Coronavirus Variants to Avoid Stigmatizing

Coronavirus variants are to be known by letters of the Greek alphabet to avoid misreporting and stigmatizing nations where they were first detected, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced.

The new system applies to variants of concern - the most troubling of which four are in circulation - and the second-level variants of interest being tracked.

Web addresses ending in .eu can migrate to Greek extension on November 14

EURid, the operator of the .eu extension, namely the country code domain name for the European Union since 2005, is launching the Greek equivalent .ευ extension on 14 November in a special Athens event.

This allows for the creation of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), commonly known as a web address, in full Greek, down to the last letter and symbol.

What does the Greek language sound like to foreigners (funny video experiment)

Whenever English speaking people hear something extremely difficult to comprehend an expression often used is ‘It sound Greek to me’. Have you ever wondered how the Greek language actually sounds to people from different countries? Well this young Asian youtuber from Canada put this to the test and did an experiment.