
Refugee to restaurateur: Al-Thekali combines cuisines from old and new homes

Over 800 people, Greeks and non-Greeks alike, lined up at a restaurant near Victoria Square in central Athens to receive their complimentary chicken gyro sandwich. Lights twinkling in the trees outside, lively music and decorations welcomed customers to the grand opening of Al-Thekali, an Arab-Greek restaurant which offers cuisine that caters to Athens's diverse residents.

Luke Bryan ft. Jimmy Fallon sing amazing song about the Greek…gyros! (FUNNY VIDEO)


Luke Bryan and Jimmy Fallon performed an amazing little song about the Greek gyros in “The Tonight Show”!

Apparently it is not clear to the non Greeks what the word’s pronunciation really is. And they seem so frustrated over this, that they…wrote about it!


Would you eat a Nutella-filled kebab? (pics)

A Sydney dessert bar has introduced a saccharin equivalent of the doner kebab, complete with a rotating white and milk chocolate rotisserie, which is shaved as it spins.

Dulwich Hill’s Tella Balls Dessert Bar, which is best known for their over-the-top doughnut-topped tella ball milkshakes, is calling their new creation the “tellabab”.

Opa! Greek restaurant in the Netherlands holds ‘Grexit week’ with …Tsipras plate

Leave it to an expatriate Greek, especially a restaurateur, to come up with a unique way to trump up business. For Dimitris Kotsalas, 62, Monday’s crucial Euro summit was the inspiration for dishes named after some of the protagonists in the current “Greek issue” drama — Greek PM Alexis Tsipras, Dutch FinMin and Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem and even Greek FinMin Yanis Varoufakis.

How about a shot of gyro?

A new way to eat gyros has been invented by a new Greek restaurant, SVL Bar, set to open soon on Astoria Boulevard, New York City. Specifically "gyro shots" have been invented. These mini-versions of the classic Greek pita-wrapped meat with various salads and sauces will come served in four inches of pita bread and be placed in a shot glass.
