Haris Doukas

Athens’ mayor: Work on new Panathinaikos stadium in Votanikos to begin in days

The new Panathinaikos stadium in Votanikos and the redevelopment project at the team's old stadium on Alexandras Avenue will be ready by 2026, Athens Mayor Haris Doukas has said.

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, the mayor said that the timetable for the completion of both stadiums is binding since funding will be lost otherwise.

Health minister lashes out at Athens mayor for canceling concert over security concerns

Athens Mayor Haris Doukas has come under fire from a government minister for canceling a concert that was to be held later this month under the aegis of the Israeli Embassy over security concerns stemming from the spiraling crisis in the Middle East. 

Police union lashes out at Athens mayor over ‘cop’ comment

A video in which Athens Mayor Haris Doukas is allegedly heard using the derogatory term "batsos" (loosely translated as cop) has drawn the ire of the Panhellenic Federation of Police Officers and the Panhellenic Federation of Police Employees. 

Doukas allegedly used the term during a meeting at the Municipal Council. 

Twelve Athens playgrounds to close over safety concerns 

Twelve playgrounds in the Municipality of Athens will close for safety reasons as they lack an updated operating permit, following a decision of the city council on Wednesday.

The playgrounds will receive extensive renovation before they reopen to the public, which is expected to be in June for some of them.

City of Athens launches municipal ‘alliance’ for cheaper power

The City of Athens is spearheading an initiative with other municipal authorities in the Attica region that will allow them to negotiate special rates with energy suppliers as a single corporate customer.

Additionally seeking to promote power production through renewables, the so-called Athens Energy Alliance already has eight members, with four more mulling entry into the scheme.
