Harm reduction

Cimpeanu says ministry will promote 'Education for life' subject to include sex education module

Minister of Education Sorin Cimpeanu informs that the ministry assumes the promotion of the compulsory discipline Education for life, which will include several modules, among which: sex education, civic education, health education, healthy eating education, road safety education or first aid education.

EduMin Cimpeanu: Sexual education curriculum is important and must be done

Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said today that the sexual education curriculum is important and must be included in a modular system under the concept "Education for Life", but that students should be able to withdraw from these courses if their parents do not agree to this; he also noted that there are debates underway on this subject within the ruling coalition.

Parliament approves creation of safe spaces for drug use

Greek Parliament on Thursday voted to open supervised drug consumption sites where people can use drugs with sterile injection equipment under the supervision of trained staff.
The legislation, presented by the health ministry, was voted with 229 votes in favour, 32 against and one "present".

Athens residents react to plans for supervised drug consumption areas

Residents in the downtown Athens areas of Kypseli, Pedion tou Areos, Votanikos, Plaka, Exarchia, Kolonaki and other neighborhoods have sent a letter to the government and the municipal authority protesting plans for the creation of areas where habitual drug users will be able to safely inject narcotics under the supervision of trained staff.

Greece drawing up bill for supervised drug consumption spaces

The Greek ministry of health is preparing an amendment that will open the way for the creation of supervised drug consumption facilities in Athens.

These spaces will provide addicts with sterile materials to use illicit drugs under the strict supervision of trained staff, in a hygienic environment.