Heat waves in the United States

Earth registers hottest July on record: US agency

Last month was the hottest July on record, making it the fourteenth straight record-breaking month, a U.S. environmental agency reported on Aug. 12.

The monthly report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also said that 2024 now has a 77 percent chance of being the warmest year on record.

Red Code for Extreme Heat in Italy

A red code for extreme heat has been issued for the majority of major Italian cities amid an intensifying heat wave across Europe, the BBC reported.

Temperatures are expected to peak on Wednesday, with the warning in place for 23 cities, from Trieste in the northeast to Messina in the southwest.

Code red means the heat is a danger to everyone, not just vulnerable groups.

Southwest US roasts in devastating heat wave

Tens of millions of Americans were facing dangerously high temperatures Friday as a powerful heat wave stretched from California to Texas, with its peak expected this weekend.

A heat dome has been baking the southwestern states all week, posing serious health risks to the elderly, construction workers, delivery workers and the homeless.