Human overpopulation

Greek population seen shrinking to 8.3 mln by 2050

A special parliamentary committee sounded the alarm Tuesday over Greece's shrinking population, stressing the need for measures to boost birth rates and to ensure "healthy aging" so as to minimize pressure on the health and social security systems.

According to a demographics report it presented in Parliament, Greece's population could drop to as low as 8.3 million people by 2050.

BI: Bulgaria's Population is Shrinking Faster than any other Nation in the World.

The US Business Insider published a paper devoted to ten countries with serious demographic problems.

A special place in the material is also dedicated to the demographic crisis in Bulgaria.

The population of Bulgaria, the European Union's poorest member, may soon become as low as it was in the aftermath of World War II, Bloomberg reported.

Deputy PM denounces ministry's slogans as offensive to women

They are also offensive to women, Mihajlovic, who is a member of the Coordinating Body for Gender Equality, and of the Government's Council for Population Policy, said on Wednesday.

These slogans "publicly shame women" and show a lack of understanding of their role in Serbia, but also of the demographic circumstances, she said.
