Hydrogen vehicle

Last chance to use the depleted gas field at Prinos?

The government is examining a plan for the return to the state of the depleted Prinos gas field south of Kavala after the second unsuccessful attempt by state asset fund TAIPED to keep alive the vision of utilizing it as a natural gas storage facility, this time with the possibility of mixing hydrogen.

New law designed to super-charge electric mobility

The National Assembly has passed a law paving the way for a significant expansion of infrastructure for alternative fuels and a faster uptake of electric vehicles.

Described by the government as a keystone green transition act, the legislation sets out to introduce a dense publicly accessible network of refuelling and supply infrastructure for alternative fuels in transport.

Hellenic Hydrogen laying foundations of investment plan

The joint vision of Motor Oil and PPC for the hydrogen economy, as initially reflected by the signing of the memorandum of understanding in January 2022 and then the establishment of the joint company Hellenic Hydrogen six months later, is moving into the next phase of implementation of the first investment plans.

Hydrogen-powered bus tested in central Athens route

The first Greek bus running on hydrogen was tested on regular schedules on Wednesday by OSY SA, which runs the buses and trolleys for the Transport for Athens (OASA Group).

The Urbino 12 Hydrogen was provided to OSY by Solaris Hellas SA following an open invitation by the Infrastructure & Transport Ministry.
