
Rescue team finds Norwegian hiker trapped in Crete’s Lefka Ori

A 33-year-old Norwegian hiker who was trapped at a high altitude on Crete’s Lefka Ori mountain range was successfully located by rescue workers late on Tuesday evening, the fire brigade reported.

They said the hiker was found at a very high altitude on the mountain where temperature is under zero.

A refugee child dies from hypothermia during its trip to Greece

A five-year-old child died when the boat it was on board capsized and sank north of Lesvos on Wednesday.

According to initial information, the child died from hypothermia despite the efforts of the rescue team. 46 more persons that were in the same boat were rescued while the number of missing is still unknown.

Police seek mystery of naked woman swimming 3 miles off coast

It is still unknown as to why a woman, aged 28, was rescued nude on Sunday three miles off the Southern Coast of California. The woman told authorities that she was sept out to sea by a rip current after entering the sea at around 5.30 p.m on Saturday. Two kayakers found her, naked, screaming for help and rescued her.

Six migrants from deadly Mediterranean wreck hospitalized in Crete

Six foreign migrants suffering from hypothermia were being treated at a hospital in Hania on Saturday, with one of them, a young girl, deemed to be in critical condition.

The six patients were rescued after their boat went down 300 miles east of Malta and were flown to Greece, which was the nearest landfall in helicopter range.
