Ibn Saud

You can’t understand ISIS if you don’t know the history of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia

The dramatic arrival of Da’ish (ISIS) on the stage of Iraq has shocked many in the West. Many have been perplexed — and horrified — by its violence and its evident magnetism for Sunni youth. But more than this, they find Saudi Arabia’s ambivalence in the face of this manifestation both troubling and inexplicable, wondering, “Don’t the Saudis understand that ISIS threatens them, too?”

Erdo?an's speechwriter has no clue

An Order of State of the Republic of Turkey was given to Saudi Arabia's King Salman on April 13. The phrase "throwing a sprat to catch a mackerel" springs to mind, but as far as we know Salman is not even offering the bone of the mackerel. (Of course, not including the gifts he brings for President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, but that does not concern us ordinary citizens.)