Instrumental temperature record

Earth registers hottest July on record: US agency

Last month was the hottest July on record, making it the fourteenth straight record-breaking month, a U.S. environmental agency reported on Aug. 12.

The monthly report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also said that 2024 now has a 77 percent chance of being the warmest year on record.

July 21 Sets Record as Hottest Day Ever Recorded Globally

On July 21, Sunday, the Earth experienced its hottest day ever recorded, according to data from the European Union Climate Change Office, "Copernicus." This organization, which has been monitoring weather patterns and climate trends since 1940, reported that the global average surface temperature reached 17.09 degrees Celsius.

Arctic sizzled in 2020, the warmest year for Europe too

Europe endured record heat and rainfall last year while temperatures in Arctic Siberia soared off the charts, the European Union's climate monitoring service reported on April 22. 

The continent in 2020 was nearly half a degree Celsius hotter than the next warmest year, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

2017 is so Far the 2nd-Hottest Year on Record Thanks to Global Warming

With the first six months of 2017 in the books, average global surface temperatures so far this year are 0.94°C above the 1950-1980 average, according to NASA. That makes 2017 the second-hottest first six calendar months on record, behind only 2016, The Guardian reported.
