International Criminal Court

Russian General Faces ICC Warrant; Ukraine Struggles with Destroyed Energy System in Kharkiv

Ukraine has identified General Sergey Kobylash as the commander responsible for ordering the attack on a children's hospital in Kyiv in July. This attack, which resulted in two fatalities and significant damage, led to Kobylash being promoted to head of the air force.

Will Putin be Arrested in Mongolia?

The Kremlin has downplayed concerns about the possibility of Mongolia arresting President Vladimir Putin during his visit to the country on September 3. This apprehension arises from Mongolia's membership in the International Criminal Court (ICC), which has issued an arrest warrant for Putin related to the alleged transfer of children from Russian-occupied areas in Ukraine.

Ukraine parliament votes to join ICC

Ukraine's parliament voted on Wednesday to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), as Kiev seeks to bring Russia on charges over war crimes it is alleged to have committed throughout its invasion.

The ICC prosecutes grave offences like genocide and crimes against humanity, and has the power to issue arrest warrants that its 124 members are obliged to execute.

US Threatens ICC Over Netanyahu Warrant: Sanctions on the Table

United States lawmakers are considering imposing sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC) if it issues an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to US House Speaker Mike Johnson. He stated that Congress is exploring various options, including sanctions, to penalize the ICC and ensure accountability for its leadership if they proceed with the warrant.

Legal Action Against Russian Military Figures by ICC for Ukraine War Crimes

Today, the Hague's International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants targeting high-ranking military figures from Russia. The commanders in question, Sergey Kobylash and Viktor Sokolov, stand accused of grave offenses allegedly committed during the war in Ukraine between October 10, 2022, and March 9, 2023.
