International reactions to the 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum

President Iohannis: We must admit EU's voice is a small one at a global level

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday said that the European project is a successful one, with the Union being "strong" economically, but the EU's "voice" is a "small" one at a global level, which for him, as head of state, is "totally unsatisfactory." The head of state said at the official launch of the national debate on the future of Europe, held at the Cotroceni Palace, that the member states

The European Commission to Introduce Fair Minimum Wages for Workers in the EU

The Commission presented a Communication on building a strong social Europe for just transitions. It sets out how social policy will help deliver on the challenges and opportunities of today, proposing action at EU level for the months to come, and seeking feedback on further action at all levels in the area of employment and social rights. Dancila: Romania approached EU Presidency term as mission in service of European citizens

More than anything else, Romania has approached its term at the Presidency of the Council of the EU as a mission in the service of the European citizens, Premier Viorica Dancila said on Friday evening in her address in the opening of the gala concert of the Romanian Youth Orchestra organised at the Romanian Athenaeum to mark the end of Romania's tenure of the EU Presidency.

Iohannis: Democracy is not at risk in EU, but under pressure

AGERPRES special correspondent Daniel Florea reports: Democracy is not at risk at EU level, but it is under pressure, and those who believe in Europe must be more courageous given the Union faces various problems, such as Brexit, immigration or unemployment, said President Klaus Iohannis, the honorary guest, on Friday, at the "The State of the Union" conference organized by the European Univers

EPP Summit /Manfred Weber: We must have the same living standard all over Europe

The EPP (European People's Party) candidate for the presidency of the European Commission, Manfred Weber, on Saturday said, in his presentation of his vision for the future of the EU and the main guidelines of the European People's Party programme for the EC president, that he will fight for the same living standard in all Europe. "I am 46 years old and I grew up in Bavaria.

Europe is Trying to Stand on its Own Two Feet in a Fragile International Order

According to the Friends of Europe's recent #EuropeMatters survey, 64% of Europeans are not convinced that life would be worse without the EU, while 49% think the EU is irrelevant. The resultsarequite telling.What change and reform does the EU need to make in order to appropriately addressthe needs and concerns of its citizens?
