International recognition of Kosovo

Kosovo Leaders Hail EP Vote on Visa Liberalisation

In a landmark development for Kosovo, the European Parliament's Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, LIBE, on Thursday voted decisively in favour of Kosovo having a visa-free regime with the European Union's passport-free Schengen area.

Thirty members of the committee voted in favour, ten against and two abstained.

US Ambassador in Pristina Sparks Kosovo Partition Speculations

America's ambassador to Kosovo has sparked concerns that the US might endorse Kosovo's partition after declining to rule it out in an interview.

In the interview given to Kosovo's KTV on Thursday, Greg Delawie avoided giving a straight answer, when asked whether the US excluded partition as a solution to the Serbia-Kosovo dispute.

US ambassador changes tune: Now partition can be discussed

This statement contradicts the ones he made earlier, when he described partition as a dangerous option.

Delawie was taking part in in the Pristina-based KTV broadcaster's Rubikon show, and did not mention his country's red lines on a partition of Kosovo that he pronounced in December. He also said that US support for Kosovo's independence is "unshakable, and will continue."

BIA agency denies reports about ties with "contract killers"

"Mario Milosevic, Jovan Pavicevic, Strahinja Dankovic, and Laureta Zuba have been arrested based on Interpol's notice on suspicion of committing the grave criminal acts of murder and kidnapping in the territory of the Republic of Montenegro," the Security Information Agency (BIA) said in a statement on Thursday.
