International Romani Union

POST-REVOLUTION ROMANIA, 1990: Federation of Ethnic Roma (FER) sets up in 1990

The Bucharest-based Federation of Romania's Ethnic Roma (FER) was established in 1990 and acquired a legal personality by Decision 1541 of May 28, 1990 of the District 1 Bucharest Courthouse, according to "Dictionar al partidelor si coalitiilor politice si al uniunilor etnice din Romania'' (Dictionary of political parties and coalitions and ethnic unions of Romania), edited by ROMPRES National

International Roma Day to be Marked in Bulgaria

Bulgarian Roma across the country celebrate April 8, the International Roma Day.

The International Day of the Roma is a day of celebration of Roma culture, history and traditions. The Day also draws attention to discrimination directed to their communities globally and calls for all human rights to be respected and observed.