Iraqi–Kurdish conflict

Kurdish Regional Government to hold independence referendum on June 12

Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region on June 8 announced it would hold a referendum on independence, in a move the central government in Baghdad is likely to oppose strongly.

"I am pleased to announce that the date for the independence referendum has been set for Monday, Sept. 25, 2017," Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani said on Twitter.

Barzani has one wise and safe option

The discussions the president of the Regional Kurdish Administration (KRG) in northern Iraq, Massoud Barzani, had in Turkey were noteworthy. Barzani met Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım a short while ago in Munich. On his return, he met President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Istanbul and then met Yıldırım again in Ankara. 

New realities in Iraq and Syria

Architect Daniel Libeskind makes the most famous genocide monuments in the world. On April 11, he invited journalists to his office in New York and told them that it was time to open a "Kurdish national identity museum."  I was curious why the architect would do such a thing out of the blue.

No forces to be deployed in Mosul until Baghdad's concerns are addressed: Turkish PM

Ankara would never take any step that would damage Iraq's sovereignty and territorial integrity, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu has said in a letter to his Iraqi counterpart, Haider al-Abadi, noting that Turkey would not deploy troops in the area until Baghdad's concerns are assuaged.
