Iron Curtain

Democracy Digest: And the Wall Came Tumbling Down

But first, a reminder of Reporting Democracy's special package of stories to mark the anniversary.

And don't miss our #BerlinWall Twitter thread. From Saturday, we will be filling it with video interviews with people born in 1989 in countries formerly behind the Iron Curtain. How do they view democracy, freedom and the legacy of '89?


Thirty Years: The Changing State of Freedom in Central Europe

This is the latest in a series of articles on the legacy of the fall of the Iron Curtain 30 years ago. See more.

In a period of just six months, protest-driven popular movements swept away communist regimes in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania — all of which had consistently been rated "Not Free" by Freedom House.

Images of another Europe

Two years after his breakthrough exhibition at the Benaki Museum on Pireos Street, born-again street photographer Constantinos Pittas has released a book bringing together the images that formed the core of the critically acclaimed show with recently unearthed work from his archive.

It is our duty to honour memory of all those who suffered behind Iron Curtain (Senate head)

The historic year 1989 is the year in which the peoples in Central and Eastern Europe took the step towards the free world, Senate Chairman Calin Popescu-Tariceanu told a solemn sitting of the Parliament on Wednesday to mark the 25th anniversary of the December 1989 Revolution that toppled the communist rule.