Islam and antisemitism

"If we retreat..."

Herzog said the Israeli government is considering many ideas on how to manage Gaza after the end of the conflict with the Palestinian militant group Hamas. "If we withdraw, then who will take over the area? We cannot leave a vacuum. Nobody will want Gaza to become a terrorist base again," the Israeli President said in an interview with the Financial Times.

Five US Servicemen Killed in Helicopter Crash in Eastern Mediterranean

Five US servicemen have died in a helicopter crash in the Eastern Mediterranean, the US military said, as quoted by the BBC.

The aircraft suffered a refueling incident as part of a routine training exercise.

The US has increased its operations in the region since the outbreak of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Israel’s difficult missions

Each day that passes without an easing of the bloodshed in Gaza, the more hearts harden in the region and across the globe. Until Thursday, neither side in the conflict wanted to make a gesture of good will. Even the four-hour ceasefires announced by the White House Thursday were subject to confusion.
