Islam in China

China to prosecute former Xinjiang editor who queried party line

China will prosecute the former editor-in-chief of the official Communist Party publication in the violence-prone far western region of Xinjiang on charges of corruption after he expressed doubt about government policies, the paper said on Nov. 2. 

Hundreds have died in the last few years in Xinjiang unrest blamed by the government on Islamist militants. 

At least five Chinese police reported killed dead in Xinjiang knife attack

At least five police officers have been stabbed to death by separatists in a knife attack at a coal mine in China's violence-prone far western region of Xinjiang, U.S.-based Radio Free Asia reported on Sept.23.

The incident happened on Sept.18 at the Sogan colliery in Aksu, the report said, citing police from the area. Dozens were also injured, it said. 

China says Uighurs being sold as ISIL's 'cannon fodder' in Turkey

Uighurs from China's Xinjiang are being given Turkish identity papers in Southeast Asia by Turkish diplomats and then taken to Turkey where some are sold to fight for groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) as "cannon fodder," a senior Chinese official said. 

Reports on Chinese practices in Xinjiang largely inaccurate, says Turkey's Erdo?an

Many news reports on China?s alleged restrictions on Muslim Uighurs during the holy month of Ramadan do not reflect reality, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has said, amid anti-Chinese demonstrations by Turkish nationalists over the treatment of the Turkic-speaking, largely Muslim minority in China?s Xinjiang region.
