Jewish lobby

Roger Waters faces hotel ban amid 'anti-Semitism' row

A complaint of "anti-Semitism" was filed against Roger Waters in Argentina on Nov. 15 as the former Pink Floyd frontman, on tour, accused "the Israeli lobby" of barring him from hotels in South America.

Waters, just off several concerts in Brazil as part of his "This Is Not a Drill" tour, is scheduled to perform in Montevideo today, followed by Buenos Aires next week.

Turkey's PM says AKP will not succumb to 'Jewish lobby'

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu has said his government will not succumb to the Jewish lobby, the Armenian lobby or the lobby of the Turkish-Greek minority, a sentence he said in regards to President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an?s words on Jan. 31 that the Gülenists in the country, which he dubs ?the parallel structure,? have joined forces with the Israeli intelligence service.