John Brademas

North Macedonia ‘should consider what they gained’ with Prespa Agreement, Nimetz says in interview with Kathimerini

Matthew Nimetz, who acted as mediator in the "name" dispute between Athens and Skopje for 25 years, initially on behalf of the United States and later as a special envoy of the United Nations, highlights the significance of proper implementation of the Prespa Agreement, not only for Greece and North Macedonia, but also for regional stability in an interview with Kathimerini.

John Sarbanes: An ethical politician 

He has some character traits that are missing from Greek politicians. It was perhaps his substantive answers, his honesty, but mostly the air of a statesman that surrounded US Congressman John Sarbanes in the very interesting discussion he had last Wednesday with students from Deree College (part of the American College of Greece - ACG) in the school's Library.

‘Giants’ and the future

Greece was very fortunate because it had a generation of Greek-American "giants" by its side upon whom it could rely whenever it faced difficulties. This was the generation that exerted immense pressure on Henry Kissinger after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus and spent its political and economic capital to help Greece.