Kostas Karamanlis

Antonaros, ex conservative gov't spokesman, ejected from ND

Evangelos Antonaros, who served as government spokesman in the conservative administration of Costas Karamanlis, has been ejected from New Democracy, the party said in a statement.

The decision, announced late Saturday, came following comments made on social media by Antonaros about ND vice president Adonis Georgiadis and the Novartis bribery case.

Judges seek further investigation of alleged plot to kill ex-PM

The Athens Council of Appeals Court Judges has ordered further investigations into the case of former PASOK MP and minister Michalis Karchimakis and two employees of the Greek National Intelligence Service (EYP) who are accused of planning to assassinate former Greek prime minister Costas Karamanlis in 2008 when he was in office.

An unrepentant party

Given the country's fall from grace over the last eight years, there is clearly nothing to be gained by digging up the past or by deferring blame for the country's bankruptcy exclusively to one's rivals. 

A critical mass

There is a certain type of voter that has become rare and increasingly frustrated. These people used to make up a small but critical mass that decided political developments. They were the centrist voters who moved toward the left to elect Socialist Costas Simitis as prime minister, before shifting to the right to elect Costas Karamanlis, a conservative.

Four to face trial over Karamanlis plot allegations

Four people have been called to stand trial in connection with an alleged plot to spy on former Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis when he was in office.

A former CIA official named as William Basil has been charged with attempted espionage. Two employees of the Greek National Intelligence Service (EYP) face charges of divulging state secrets.
