Lake Burdur

Lake Burdur's shores welcome extreme sports enthusiasts

As drought continues to afflict the region, the receding shores of Lake Burdur have transformed into a playground for extreme sports enthusiasts. Located in the southwest of Türkiye, the shrinking lake has become a natural terrain for activities like enduro, off-roading and paragliding, drawing locals who seek adventure and relaxation against the backdrop of breathtaking scenery.

Ovine breeding needed in Turkey to fight climate change

Ovine breeding, rather than bovine breeding, should be carried out in Turkey to save water and fight against climate change, as one of the deepest lakes in the country, Lake Burdur, has dried up by half in over half a century, experts have said.

According to daily Milliyet, which spoke to climate experts, the depth of the lake, which was once 60 meters, is around 18 meters today.