
How to Keep Wearing Your Summer Clothes for Fall: 6 Styling Ideas to Extend Your Summer Wardrobe

While some items are undoubtedly seasonal, like a faux-fur coat or over-the-knee boots, a significant portion of our wardrobe can be worn year-round. We just need to know how to make it work.

Here are 6 styling tips to help transition your summer clothes into fall:

A diary of the tumultuous days at Columbia

Sunday, April 28, 11.30 a.m.: I head up 116th St to campus. It is quiet, as though the protests of last week never happened. There are no police cars. A few journalists are setting up on the traffic island on Broadway. Outside the gates a small group of Orthodox Jews, in fur hats and leggings, hold up placards denouncing Zionism. One of them is being interviewed by a TV crew.

Bulgaria’s Defense Ministry will Send Winter Clothes and Shoes to Ukraine

The Bulgarian Ministry of Defense will provide aid to Ukraine of 5,000 sets of winter clothing and 5,000 pairs of shoes.

The humanitarian aid provided through the Ground Forces contains: 5,000 half-coats with lining, 5,000 leggings with lining, 5,000 long-sleeved shirts, 5,000 hats, 5,000 pairs of shoes.
