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The Sun Has Not Been This Quiet Since the Ice Age

At the center of our solar system, the sun is a constant force keeping planets in orbit, providing Earth with just the right amount of light and warmth for life and even governing our daily schedules. While we're used to the sun rising and setting each day, the sun itself is incredibly dynamic.

Currently, it's going through a less activephase, called a solar minimum.

NASA Reveals What the Sun's 'Dynamic Movement' Sounds Like (Video)

A new video released by NASA reveals what it sounds like when the Sun moves, waves, loops and erupts to our ears, and how it might help them study the giant star.

The U.S. space agency says using data captured by the European Space Agency and its own Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, NASA has been able to study the "dynamic movement" of our Sun for more than 20 years. 

New York Post: Bulgarian Mystic who 'Predicted' ISIS, 9/11 had Two Prophecies for 2018

A blind mystic who many claim predicted 9/11, the rise of ISIS, the Boxing Day tsumani and Brexit also foresaw two major events in 2018.

Bulgarian Baba Vanga — who died in 1996 at the age of 85 — is well known among conspiracy theorists who believe she foretold natural disasters and global events long before they occurred.

The sun is ripping apart! NASA image shows vast ‘hole’ spreading across the solar surface


An elongated coronal hole stretching across the face of the sun sent solar wind particles gushing toward Earth last week.


NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory has revealed a stunning animation of the phenomenon, showing the massive dark patch marring the surface of our star.

