
"Four Paws" Organization Transports a Pregnant Lioness from Razgrad to Sofia

12-year-old pregnant lioness Raya will be transported by a team of "Four Paws" from Razgrad to Sofia because the zoo in town does not have the conditions for birth and raising the little one, NGN News Agency reported on Sunday. In November experts from the organization visited Razgrad and after an examination of the lioness found that she was in an advanced pregnancy.

Evacuated lion from war-torn Syria to Turkey's Bursa gives birth in Jordan

A lion evacuated from the war-torn province of Syria's Aleppo to the Marmara province of Bursa gave birth in Jordan on Aug. 12.

The lion named "Deina," was pregnant when she was brought to Bursa. She gave birth after she was transferred to a zoo in Jordan.
Officials in Jordan's Al Ma'wa Protection Center of Wildlife and Nature gave the name "Hajar" to the little lion cub.

A circus tamer was attacked by his lions! (SHOCKING VIDEO)

The tamer was attacked by one lion at first, but then at least one more took part in the attack. A series of repeated attacks followed, while the audience was watching in horror before fleeing the circus.

The man was saved his assistants with serious injuries but his life is not in danger.

The incident took place in Ukraine.
