Liquidity crisis

Diversifying Borsa Istanbul: Analysis

Capital markets have numerous benefits for different participants in the economy. For a company or entity in need of funding, domestic capital markets provide an alternative funding source from bank financing. While for investors and savers, capital markets can offer more attractive investing opportunities than bank deposits—depending on risk profile, liquidity needs, and other factors.

Turkish economy's problems 'still come from inside,' says leading economist

Leading economist Daron Acemo?lu said in an interview with Turkish daily Cumhuriyet that Turkey?s economic problems still come from inside, adding high liquidity in global markets helped Turkey overcome the 2001 and 2008 economic crises but the situation has now changed. 

Moody's: Negative outlook for Greece's banking system

Moody's Investors Service has said its outlook on Greece's banking system is ?negative,? owing to acute deterioration in funding and liquidity.

?These pressures are unlikely to ease over the next 12-18 months and there is a high likelihood of an imposition of capital controls and a deposit freeze,? the credit ratings agency said in a report released Wednesday.

Deep in denial

The main opposition party is so eager to get its hands on the helm of government it is ignoring terse warnings from our international partners as it tries to reassure everyone that it has worked things out with the country?s creditors and that the cavalry is marching up from the south of Europe.