Bulgarians Return with 4 Medals fro the Summer Biathlon World Championship in Estonia
Jail Sentences Increased in Croatian Wartime Detention Camp Trial
Croatia's High Criminal Court on Monday increased the sentence handed down to Lora military prison commander Tomislav Duic from eight-and-a-half to ten years in prison for war crimes against civilian detainees at the Lora military prison.
The court also increased the sentence handed down to guard Emilio Bungur from four-and-a-half to eight years in prison.
For Victims of Croatia’s ‘Lora’ Prison, Justice Proves Elusive
April 6 brought another milestone in one of the longest-running war crimes processes in Croatia, when the County Court in the coastal city of Split sentenced two men to prison for war crimes against mainly Serb detainees at the city's 'Lora' military prison during the 1991-95 Croatian war.
Former Lora Camp Inmates Denounce ‘Scandalous’ Court Verdicts
Former inmates of the notorious Lora prison camp near Split, Croatia, condemned the Split Court verdict that sentenced the former prison commander and one of the guards only for crimes committed in a couple of months in 1992.
After award, Metadrasi vows to promote even distribution of unaccompanied children
The head of a Greek nongovernmental organization that has won the prestigious US$2 million Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize says the group will use the money to promote a more even distribution of unaccompanied young migrants among European Union member-states.
Book Documents Culture Buildings Used as Balkan War Jails
Photographer Hrvoje Polan, writer Viktor Ivancic and journalist Nemanja Stjepanovic presented their new book 'Behind the Seven Camps: From Crimes of Culture to Culture of Crime', about the use of cultural buildings as wartime detention and killing sites, on Thursday evening at Zagreb's Gric cinema.
Texas to Execute Killer Over 1993 Attack on Newlyweds
The southern US state of Texas was on Tuesday scheduled to execute a convicted killer and rapist over a 1993 attack on a newlywed couple, reported AFP
Alvin Braziel, 43, was set to die by lethal injection Tuesday evening at the Texas state prison in Huntsville.
He was convicted in 2001 of attacking Douglas and Lora White, who had been married just 10 days.
590 kilos of marijuana seized on eastern border
316 kilograms were found in 292 packages in a Croatian license plates truck driven by a citizen of Bosnia-Herzegovina, while another truck, with Serbian license plates, carried another 274 kilograms in 253 packages.
The Interior Ministry said that the suspects will be brought before a prosecutor, charged with illegal manufacturing and trafficking of narcotics.
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Belgrade police chief dismissed
According to media reports, Milic will now receive "a new high-ranking position with the state organs."
The reasons for his dismissal are currently unknown, and this comes on the heels of previous media reports that said such moves were to be expected in the Interior Ministry (MUP).
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180° Laboratory For Innovative Art is Comming in Sofia Between 22-28 Jyly 2017
180° is the alternative for young artists who would like to escape established rules of their art and further develop their innovative ideas. 180° is the world where tradition stays unknown. 180° presents well-known arts in a different and unexpected light.
180° is comming with its 4th edition between 22 - 28 July 2017.