Louka Katseli

Creditors to insist on residence protection system improvement

Greece's creditors, and the European Central Bank (ECB) in particular, are determined to force Athens to improve the new framework for protecting primary residences from foreclosure so that its does not further exacerbate an already weak payment culture or reward tax dodgers, sources save indicated.

Bankers meet again with government seal deal on foreclosures, NPLs

Representative of Greece's four systemic banks - Alpha, Eurobank, Piraeus, and National Bank of Greece - are holding their second meeting in a week this evening with the government's economic team at the PM's office.

The focus of the meeting will be a new law establishing the framework for the protection of debtors' primary homes from foreclosure.

Tsakalotos says protection of main home will continue

Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos said on Friday that although the protection of debtors' main residences will be abolished in January 2019 when the Katseli law ceases to apply, the government is seeking ways to ensure that debtors in need of protection are not left without a safety net and is aiming to present a solution soon.
