
63-year-old Turkish man initiates 370-km march to commemorate boy killed by PKK

A 63-year-old man has initiated a 370-km march from the Black Sea province of Samsun towards Trabzon, another Black Sea province, to commemorate Eren Bülbül, a 15-year-old boy who was killed this month in clashes between the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and security forces, Doğan News Agency reported on Aug. 29.

VIDEO: Canadian man assaulted at Istanbul park

Unidentified assailants have beaten a Canadian man at a park in central Istanbul.

Sjoerd Vaandering, a 72-year-old British Columbia resident, was walking in the Maçka Park early Nov. 29 when he was assaulted, Doğan News Agency reported. Vaandering was found by passersby with his belongings scattered on the pavement.
