Machine learning

Microsoft and Dropbox Lay Off Thousands Due to AI – The Impact on the Workplace

After a strong third quarter, Microsoft is reportedly laying off between 1,000 and 1,500 employees in its Azure cloud and mixed reality divisions. Dropbox also announced 500 layoffs in April 2023, with CEO Drew Houston citing AI as a significant factor. “In an ideal world, we would move people from one group to another, and we did that wherever possible,” Houston explained.

Most Greek businesses ignore generative artificial intelligence

While the new generation of artificial intelligence, the so-called generative AI (GenAI), is bringing tectonic changes to all sectors of the economy, having the potential to increase the Greek GDP by an additional 5.5% by 2030, most Greek businesses have no plans of utilizing it in the foreseeable future.

Robots trained to be porters

Research toward integrating robots into daily life is being developed by Greek labs and startups. Instead of static industrial robots, which have been operating for years in major industrial countries, research has shifted to so-called collaborative robots, which are mostly employed in services and operate alongside and with people.

Tech giants jockey for position at dawn of AI age

Whether they sell smartphones, ads or computer chips, the heavyweights of Silicon Valley have everything to prove to investors looking to see who is best placed in the race to dominate the generative artificial intelligence market.

"If you're a company, and you don't have an AI message, you're not going to be in business very long," says independent industry analyst Jack Gold.
