Maintenance fee
Maintenance fees see around 45 pct hike in Istanbul
The service and maintenance fee hikes started at a minimum of 26 percent and a maximum of 60 percent across Istanbul following the determination of the minimum wage hike, corresponding to an average of 45 percent raise.
Apartment maintenance fees straining households’ budget
High monthly maintenance fees paid for residential properties are becoming a big headache for occupants and landlords alike in many cities across Türkiye, but particularly in Istanbul.
Regulation in progress to curb soaring maintenance costs
Three ministries are working on a regulation to prevent the imposition of exorbitant maintenance fees in residential complexes and will soon present it to the parliament, a sector representative has said.
Maintenance fees of residential complexes soaring in Türkiye
The maintenance fees of residential complexes, which have reached exorbitant prices, have compelled the residents to move to different districts and the apartments at independent buildings.