Malaysian Grand Prix

Ferrari put fizz back into F1

As Sebastian Vettel nurses his hangover, Bernie Ecclestone can raise a toast to the F1 gods after a weekend to savour in Malaysia gave the sport a reason to smile again.
Crisis loomed like the black clouds over Sepang after the German Grand Prix's axing, deafening complaints from teams and a soporific first race in Australia.

Mercedes expected to dominate as new F1 season begins

On the eve of perhaps the most telling two days in the Formula One season, several drivers bravely talked up their chances of challenging Mercedes, while fearing that Friday's practice session at the Australian Grand Prix and Saturday's qualifying were likely to show the silver cars remain in a class of their own.

F1 Champion Schumacher Starts Making Eye-Contact, Responding to Voices

Formula One legend Michael Schumacher is making eye-contact and responding to voices, according to recent reports of Italian and German media outlets.

Italy's La Gazzetta dello Sport reports Sunday about encouraging eye movements, while Germany's Bild am Sonntag says that Schumacher is responding to voices.