Mariliza Xenogiannakopoulou

SYRIZA: Central Committee to proceed as planned tomorrow, political secretariat decides – Move to exclude Kasselakis from elections

Tomorrow is shaping up to be the “mother of all battles” within SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, as the Central Committee meeting will go ahead as scheduled.

Former Independent Greeks official to run on SYRIZA ticket

Terence Quick, the former deputy minister of state with Independent Greeks during the nationalist party's coalition with ruling SYRIZA will be running in next month's snap elections with the incumbent leftists.

According to an announcement from SYRIZA, the ex-television journalist will be running for a seat in Parliament representing Athens' northern constituency.

Government preparing plan for civil service hirings

A bill currently being drafted by the Administrative Reform Ministry and expected to be submitted to Parliament within the month aims to introduce a four-year plan for recruitments in the civil service, the latest in a series of apparent attempts by the government to win support ahead of elections next year.

Government reshuffle leaves key posts untouched, adds new faces

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras reshuffled his cabinet on Monday, keeping key ministers in place while bringing in some new faces. 

As expected, Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos, Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias and Defense Minister Panos Kammenos, Tsipras's coalition partner, kept their posts.