Marjory Stoneman Douglas
March for Our Lives: Hundreds of Thousands Gather Worldwide to Protest US Gun Violence
Thousands of protesters have swarmed into the US capital and cities across the world to march for gun control and ignite political activism among the young.
Thousands of American Students with a Demand Towards Trump
US students spilled out of classrooms by the tens of thousands on Wednesday, chanting slogans like "No more silence" and "We want change" as part of a coast-to-coast protest over gun violence prompted by last month's massacre at a Florida high school.
An Armed Sheriff did not Help in the Shooting at a High School in the US
An armed sheriff has not stopped the bloody bathroom in a high school in Florida, Newsbg reported, citing AP.
U.S. Students Protest Over Gun Laws, Trump Considers Arming Teachers
Students galvanized by the deadly mass shooting at a Florida high school confronted lawmakers on Wednesday with demands to restrict sales of assault rifles, while President Donald Trump suggested arming teachers as a way to stop more U.S. rampages.