
Eight of nine defendants in Giakoumakis suicide trial found guilty

A court in Ioannina, northwestern Greece, on Friday handed guilty verdicts to eight of nine defendants over their role in causing a fellow student at the city's Dairy School to take his own life in 2015.

The former students were convicted for violently and viciously bullying 20-year-old Vangelis Giakoumakis for several months, leading to his suicide.

Political license

There was a time when Greeks needed to have a permit of political affiliation in order to enjoy their full rights as citizens. That era is now behind us. During the period of transition, however, other such tools of license have come into force, such as that of political correctness.

Assange says Russia has "nothing to do" with Clinton emails

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has denied Russia's involvement in the publishing of the emails belonging to U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“The Clinton camp has been able to project a neo-McCarthyist hysteria that Russia is responsible for everything," Assange told John Pilger in an exclusive interview for RT, to be broadcast on Saturday, and added:

Bulgarian Appeals Court Delays Hearings in Radical Islam Case

A Bulgarian court of appeal on Tuesday granted a defence request to postpone hearings in the case of 13 Bulgarian Muslim clerics sentenced for preaching radical Islam.

The lawyers of the defendants have asked the Appeals Court in the city of Plovdiv, in southern Bulgaria, to allow new evidence, according to BGNES news outlet.