Mehmet Görmez

Turkey's top cleric criticizes Israeli bill on Islamic call to prayer

An Israeli bill calling for a ban on mosques using loudspeakers for the call to prayer has been condemned as a "rejection of Islam" by the head of Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet).  

Mehmet Görmez said on Nov. 16 that the proposal to impose noise limits on places of worship "amounts to a rejection of Islam and Muslims' presence in Jerusalem."        

Turkey's verdict more eminent than ECHR's verdict on Alevis' rights, says top cleric

According to Turkey's top cleric, the Turkish nation's verdict has precedence over a verdict by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which recently found Turkey guilty of violating Alevis' right to religious freedom and discrimination by withholding public funds for Alevi worship houses "with no objective and reasonable justification." 

Islam rejects terrorism, head of Turkish Religious Affairs tells American Muslims

American Muslims should not apologize for terrorists who claim affiliation with Islam, Turkey's head of Religious Affairs, Mehmet Görmez said March 1 at a sermon in the newly built Diyanet Center of America in Maryland, some 21 kilometers from Washington D.C.
