Middle age

“Neighborhood Nannies” are coming across the country with a salary of 500 euros

The Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family Affairs’ municipalities program “Neighborhood Nannies”, currently being piloted in only 62 municipalities across the country, is being extended to all municipalities.

The program will be extended to all municipalities in the country and will help parents in the care and supervision of infants and toddlers and make their daily lives easier.

Greek Australians share stories: ‘Poverty is why we came’

Katerina (known on Instagram as Kat Zam) was born and raised in Australia, and had both sets of grandparents nearby as she grew up. "All four came here in the 1960s as refugees from Greece. I listened to their stories ever since I can remember myself and always admired their courage.

Hot flushes and low libido? You may be suffering from MANopause

Male menopause is real and there is a cure for it! In a paper by the Journal of Ageing, rsearchers at the Centre for Men’s Health in London found that 20% of men over 50 suffered from testosterone deficiency.

Symptoms included, amongst others:
* hot flushes
* night sweats
* pain in joints
* a dive in libido
* body fat increase