Milorad Dodik

Officially, it takes effect today

Today, these provisions come into force.
According to the information available on the website of the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the law enters into force eight days after its publication on the OHR website or the day after its publication in the BiH Official Gazette, whichever comes first.

Vučić: "I'm afraid. The atmosphere is profoundly tense"

"We are closely following the events in Sarajevo and Banja Luka. Making decisions from the outside could never bring good results. We will have a meeting with the representatives of Republika Srpska these days. We are not entering into the process of implementing measures and countermeasures. This is happening in another country... Still, we cannot leave Serbia without support. We want peace.

Bosnian Genocide Denial Ban Pleases Survivors, Angers Serbs

The announcement on Friday of a ban on genocide and war crimes denial by High Representative Valentine Inzko, the international official who oversees implementation of the peace deal that ended the 1992-95 Bosnian war, was hailed by representatives of survivors of the Srebrenica gecocide.

Bosnia’s High Representative Imposes Genocide Denial Ban

Valentin Inzko announced on Friday that he has imposed an amendment to Bosnia and Herzegovina's criminal code to outlaw the public denial, condoning, trivialisation or justification of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes when this is done in a way that is "likely to incite to violence or hatred".

Bosnian Protesters Demand Release of Detained Intelligence Chief

More than 200 Bosnians holding banners and flags protested on Thursday in Sarajevo over the arrest of the country's intelligence chief, Osman Mehmedagic.

The head of the Intelligence and Security Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, OSA, was detained by Sarajevo Canton police on Wednesday in an investigation into abuse of office, forgery of documents and money laundering.
